Fulfill Your American Dream with the U.S. Visa Lottery

For some people living in the United States is the biggest dream. The green card is the most desired and sought-after Visa in the world. However, it is not very easy to get a green card in most cases. The U.S. Visa lottery that is run under the Diversity Immigrant Visa program tends to contribute to 50,000 immigrant Visas each year. 
The U.S. Visa lottery application will be accepted by any individual from any country that doesn't have a high rate of immigration to the U.S. People coming to the U.S. by winning the Visa lottery generally reside outside the country and later immigrate. 


Below is a detailed explanation of all the procedures needed for applying for and conducting a valid U.S. Visa lottery registration. If you have plans to move to the U.S. to work or study, the United States Visa Lottery program is a good option to choose as it involves a variety of benefits such as free citizenship in the U.S., studying with scholarships and sponsorship, and also working in the U.S. 

About U.S. Visa Lottery System 

The primary aim of the U.S. Visa lottery system is to diversify the immigrant population in the U.S. This is done by picking applicants from countries with low immigration rates to the U.S. in the last five years before. 

The following procedures are involved, and they form the crux of the U.S. Visa lottery program. This option is open to people from countries such as Trinidad, Tobago, parts of Africa, parts of Asia, and other parts of the world, except for U.S. citizens with lower immigration rates to the United States. 

The Application Process 

Applicants who apply for a diversity visa but lack the necessary education or training are less likely to qualify to immigrate to the United States. So, here are a few details related to the U.S. Visa lottery application process. Have a look! 

  • The application portal will open on 3rd October. 
  • All applications must be submitted electronically. 
  • Applicants may apply at www.dvlottery.state.gov any time during the application period. 
  • Do not wait till the last week of the application period, as high demand may cause delays on the website. Some participants will receive instructions on how to apply for immigrant visas for both themselves as well as their eligible family members. 
  • Appointments will be confirmed for the Visa interview through the entrant status check. 


What is the Diversity Visa Lottery? 

This program is administered by the Department of State in an attempt to increase the diversity of the immigrants coming to live in the U.S. Every year 50,000 randomly selected people are accepted as immigrants into the U.S. through this program. 

 This is an opportunity for people and families who wouldn't have any way to immigrate to the U.S. and get a green card legally. The process for acquiring a green card through the Diversity Visa lottery program begins with the simple filling of an online application form. 

The lottery can be entered every year from early October to early November. There are no criteria for the selection of the winners, and a computer randomly selects people who, along with their immediate families, receive green cards. 

Diversity Visa Cost 

Entering the Diversity Visa lottery involves no cost at all. However, if selected and chosen to apply for a Visa, you will have to pay mandatory green card application fees. 

When you are selected, you will receive information and details of the related fees on the Diversity Visa website at www.dvlottery.state.gov. 

The Visa Timeline 
  • From the time of application to receiving your green card, there are a series of steps involved in the process of acquiring a Diversity Visa. 

  • Typically, winners of the green card lottery will be notified seven months after the submission of their entry. 
  • Once selected, it may require up to 14 months for your visa interview to be scheduled and for you to receive the Visa. 
  • Once you have your Visa in hand, you need to enter the United States on or before the expiry date printed on the Visa. 
  • A diversity visa is generally valid for up to six months from the date on which it was issued. 

Eligibility Criteria 

The two main requirements while applying for a Diversity Visa are as follows. 

  • Proof of your country of birth is required for acquiring a green card. The State Department facilitates a list of all eligible countries. 
  • The second requirement is that you possess at least a high school degree or two years of work experience within the last five years in a profession that requires training for two years.

 Avoiding Scams 
The Diversity Visa program is sometimes used by scammers to defraud hopeful immigrants. A couple of tips to ensure you don't fall for such scams are the following. 

Entering the Diversity Visa lottery is free. Collecting a fee on the Department of State’s behalf is a scam. The State Department does not notify winners either by mail or by email; To check your application, you have to use the Entrant Status Check. 

1. How many Diversity Visas can be allocated to each eligible country? 

The USCIS (The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) tends to allocate diversity visas to each country based on a formula outlined in Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

2. Is there a minimum age limit to be eligible for a Diversity Visa? 

There is no minimum age as such. However, the condition of possessing at least a high school education or work experience disqualifies anybody who is less than 18 years of age. 

3. What is the time period to get a Diversity Visa? 

The winners of the Diversity Visa lottery are generally notified 7 months after applying. It can take approximately 14 months for the government to schedule your Visa interview and also issue your Visa. 


The Diversity Visa was formulated by the Immigration Act of 1990. It was simply a way to increase the diversity among immigrants to the United States. Most immigrants who come to the United States belong to a handful of countries. So, Congress introduced the Diversity Visa program to increase the total number of immigrants from smaller countries and countries that don’t send many immigrants to the United States.
